Industrial wastewater treatment
The main goal of industrial wastewater treatment is to reduce the burden on municipal treatment facilities and to save costs and resources of the enterprise itself. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 644 of July 29, 2013: enterprises that do not have treatment plants must complete their construction by 1.01.2019. Over the past 10-15 years, MY PROJECT has implemented more than twenty local treatment plants in different branches of industry.
- Metallurgy.
- Chemical and petrochemical industry.
- Pulp and paper industry.
- Light industry.
- Oil and gas industry.

Industrial wastewater treatment methods and technologies
Depending on the type of industry, the composition of the wastewater and their treatment methods may vary greatly. Industrial wastewater, in contrast to municipal, are characterized by high level of uneven inflow and contamination. In general, facilities for wastewater treatment of industrial enterprises consist of:
- Equalization – equalizers are used to normalize the inflow, both in consumption and in concentration, and can be equipped with a mixing and/or aeration system.
- Mechanical treatment: depending on the type of industry, wastewater can contain various mechanical inclusions: from vegetables and coffee beans to paper fibers and pieces of rubber. For each type of discharge flow, the necessary mechanical treatment unit is selected during the design of the plant.
- Physico-chemical treatment, which usually follows mechanical treatment of industrial wastewater and effluents containing a large amount of contaminants in the form of suspended and dissolved substances. The task of physico-chemical treatment is to remove these contaminants by flotation: the process of intensifying adhesion between hydrophobic pollutants. As a result of treatment, retained contaminants are removed from the unit in the form of sediment (floating foam, floating sludge), and treated water enters the next stage of treatment.
- The use of biological treatment, similar to municipal wastewater treatment plants, is used to remove dissolved contaminants with the help of biological sludge in aerobic, anaerobic and anoxic conditions.
- Post-treatment of industrial wastewater is usually used in case of the increased requirements for removal of suspended solids and/or in case of own discharge into the water body.
- Sludge dewatering in industrial wastewater treatment technology, in contrast to municipal wastewater, can be more widely used - in particular at animal breeding farms, waste products can also be subject to dehydration; such farms can widely use the fermentation and composting plants, which may help to produce fertilizer, biogas and electricity.
- Anaerobic treatment of industrial wastewater is a specific type of treatment and is designed for wastewater rich in organic substances: as a result, not only purified water is obtained, but also biogas, which can later be converted into thermal and/or electrical energy.
In addition to the technologies listed in the section of municipal wastewater treatment, an additional block of solutions has been developed for industrial wastewater treatment:
- My DAF – physico-chemical and flotation treatment technologies;
- My AMI – anaerobic treatment plants for industrial wastewater.