Water Service Companies

Dear representatives of water service companies!

Today you have to address many complex and crucial tasks: provision of high degree of water treatment at low tariffs, minimization of operational costs, provision of the population with clean water and protection of rivers and water bodies from the harmful effects of polluted sewage. 

We have been working on these problems for more than 35 years together with you. Starting in 1990 with the production of polymeric aeration systems, MY PROJECT became one of Russia's leading engineering companies, which provides a full range of services in the field of water supply and disposal: pre-project inspection and audit of wastewater, development of feasibility studies, design, supply of equipment, author supervision, construction and installation, commissioning, staff training, after-sales service. Having walked hand in hand this long way with you, we have deeply thought through your problems and have learned to find a reasonable balance between achieving design standards for water treatment and saving capital and operating costs.

We are the first in Russia to introduce the concept of “reengineering" - an effective way to modernize wastewater treatment plants with a minimum volume of construction work. We are one of the first in Russia to apply the scheme of nutrients removal from municipal wastewater with a reduction in electricity costs. Our project of the constructed wastewater treatment plant in Adler with a capacity of 100,000 m3/day received the official BAT status - the best available technique. We have successfully implemented several major projects in the territory of Russia, financed by the WBRD and the EBRD - the reconstruction of wastewater treatment plants in Vologda, the United WWTP of the Kaliningrad region (Zaostrovie).

MY PROJECT as an engineering company does not depend on any producers, and is guided by the wishes and financial capabilities of the Customer for choosing technology and equipment, and, of course, ensures achievement of the required standards of treatment. We apply the latest architectural solutions and building materials in our projects, equip the wastewater treatment plants with the automated process control systems. Carrying out the turnkey projects, MY PROJECT is responsible for the final result of water treatment rather than just for serviceability of the equipment.

MY PROJECT employs over 250 highly qualified specialists, more than half of them are engineering staff. Be sure, we will direct the efforts of a whole team of professionals to address your problems.