Industrial enterprises

Dear representatives of industrial enterprises!

Our main goal is to solve your problems related to the environmental impact, which inevitably accompany the production processes. All our experience and intellectual potential in the field of water treatment are put in the service in order to protect you from this "headache".

Today, industrial enterprises operate in the face of increasing pressure from water service companies and environmental protection authorities. Strict requirements for the quality of wastewater treatment, as well as the need to save energy resources, generate the need of enterprises for effective water treatment systems and optimal water consumption.

MY PROJECT offers a full range of services for wastewater and water treatment for industrial enterprises, as well as effective solutions for sediment and sludge processing and disposal. Being the leading engineering company in the post-Soviet space, we work the whole chain of tasks through - from the audit of wastewater and the development of optimal process solutions to the start-up and maintenance of treatment plants. 30 years of experience and the names of our customers speak well for us: Rosneft, Gazprom, SIBUR Holding, EuroChem OJSC, KuibyshevAzot OJSC, Shchekinoazot OJSC, PepsiCo Company, Miratorg Agribusiness Holding, Cargill LLC, Cherkizovo Group, PRODO Group, Ilim Group and other holdings and companies work with us.

MY PROJECT as an engineering company does not depend on any producers, and is guided by the wishes and financial capabilities of the Customer for choosing technology and equipment, and, of course, ensures achievement of the required standards of treatment. We are flexible when develop a technology, making maximum use of existing buildings and facilities, and offering energy-efficient and innovative solutions. Equipping sewage treatment plants with automated process control systems, we minimize the "human factor" and the company's expenses for manual labor. Thus, we save both Customer's capital and operating expenditures.

Carrying out the turnkey projects (design, delivery of equipment, construction, installation, commissioning and staff training), MY PROJECT is responsible for the final result of water treatment rather than just for serviceability of the equipment. We also provide maintenance services and are ready to maintain uninterrupted operation of the water treatment plants throughout the entire service life.

We work with enterprises in such industries as:

  • Food
  • Chemical and petrochemical, refinery
  • Pulp and paper
  • Metallurgical
  • Textile
  • Leather

MY PROJECT employs over 250 highly qualified specialists, more than half of them are engineering staff. Be sure, we will direct the efforts of a whole team of professionals to address your problems.