Municipal Wastewater Treatment
Municipal wastewater treatment is the most common and successfully used biotechnology for more than 100 years in the pay of mankind. None of modern settlements can do without municipal wastewater treatment facilities. MY PROJECT engineering company has been dealing with the issues of municipal waste water treatment, reconstruction and construction of municipal wastewater treatment plants for more than 30 years.
Wastewater treatment methods and technologies
To date, municipal wastewater treatment represented by various stages of treatment of effluents, with a certain type of waste removed at each stage. The most common municipal wastewater treatment scheme includes:
- Mechanical treatment - sludge treatment from insoluble contaminants - mechanical debris on grates (sieves, strainers, crushers, etc.), minerals in the grit removals (mainly sand) and organic substances in the form of sediment and foam in primary sedimentation tanks (wet sludge, fats, oil products, surfactants, etc.).
- Biological treatment - removal of dissolved pollutants with the help of a special microorganisms - biological sludge and/or biofilm, which is carried out in bioreactors (aeration tanks and secondary sedimentation tanks, MBR, biofilters, SBR, MBBR reactors, etc.)
- Wastewater post-treatment at municipal wastewater treatment plants is used for the final treatment of water from suspended solids and organic substances on the filters.
- Wastewater sludge dewatering - a treatment step that involves a set of measures for handling the formed sediments during the treatment (wet sludge, excess sludge) - their thickening, dehydration, fermentation, drying, burning, etc.
- Disinfection of treated wastewater is carried out in order to bring the bacteriological parameters back to the sanitary norm of the treated water of reservoirs with the help of strong oxidizing agents (chlorine, fluorine, ozone and their derivatives) and special treatment methods (irradiation of water in the ultraviolet spectrum - UV radiation, cavitation and magnetic treatment).
MY PROJECT has taken all the listed technologies and methods of municipal wastewater treatment formed as the basis for the developed universal solutions:
- My MET – solutions for mechanical wastewater treatment;
- MY BIO – includes biological methods for wastewater treatment using classical technology, nitri-denitrification technology and a number of innovative treatment methods;
- MY Filter – integrated solutions for post-treatment of wastewater;
- MY MBR – biological treatment using the membrane biological reactors;
- MY SBR – treatment of variable flows using the sequential-variable reactors.
In addition to process solutions, MY PROJECT provides integrated services and project support at all stages of its implementation: from pre-project works to commissioning of facilities and staff training:
- Audit and inspection of the wastewater treatment system.
- Development of feasibility studies for the concept and the main process scheme for wastewater treatment for new and reconstructed municipal wastewater treatment plants.
- Creation of a design project for future plants, project and detailed design stages.
- Implementation of project solutions.
- Warranty and post-warranty support of the implemented project.